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mediation and more

For two or more people to develop a mutually beneficial approach to a specific conflict.

Image by Jessica Furtney

Mediation is a facilitated opportunity for people to talk about a conflict and find a mutually beneficial way forward. People often come to mediation when they have tried to resolve a conflict on their own but can't seem to agree or see the other's perspective. 
I practice a hybrid of inclusive and transformative mediation styles. Inclusive mediation is a community-centered model of mediation that focuses on creating a non-judgmental, censorship-free space that is accessible. Transformative mediation focuses on empowering participants to learn and practice conflict skills that they can take with them beyond the mediation. Within both styles, my role is to plan and facilitate a process that does not judge, evaluate, or decide on goals or outcomes, but supports participants in finding the best outcome for them.

Mediation is not appropriate for conflicts involving harassment, abuse, or power imbalance. That said, other types of restorative and transformative processes are appropriate for seeking changes in relationship, apology, separation, or power redistribution, and we can discuss what that looks like on a case-by-case basis. 

what you can expect

The Process


Initial Intake: You reach out to me, we discuss your needs, and determine whether I'm a good fit for your situation.

Coordination: If you haven't already, you provide me with the contact information for the other participants and I reach out to them and do a separate intake with them. After hearing from everyone, I make a plan for the session and we schedule a time to meet.


In the Session

While no conflict process is the same, we'll generally follow this pattern with these components:


Understanding + Framing: The first part of the session will involve each participant sharing their perspective on what the conflict is, how they've been impacted, and what they need/want out of the mediation. 


Brainstorming/Visioning: The next step of the session will be to identify the core issues/concerns/experiences and then participants will have the opportunity to share any and all next steps that they are willing to move forward with. 


Weighing options: If there are decisions to be made, the next step is to identify the strengths/benefits and weaknesses/risks of the options you have, and discuss those that are most mutually beneficial or satisfactory for everyone.


Making decisions, agreements, conclusions: If it's possible, you'll identify the best outcome and we'll write up any agreements or documents that you would like to have (not applicable to every situation). In the event that you can't come to an agreement, everyone will leave with a better understanding of the other parties' needs and interests.



Preparing for a Session

Before meeting with me, you might feel like you want to prepare. If that's you, spend a little time reflecting on these prompts: 


  • I am impacted by this conflict in these ways... [how our lives are changed].

  • I interpret the other person(s) actions in these ways... [how we understand].

  • These are the things I want/need out of this process...

  • I want/need those things because... [specific reasons].

  • The other person(s) have expressed that they want/need... 

  • I have/have not tried to meet those needs/wants because... [specific barriers or reasons the conflict hasn't been resolved or changed].


Logistics: ​

  • Sessions can be anywhere between two hours and five hours, depending on the complexity of the case.

  • Sessions are entirely confidential and all participants are expected to respect the privacy of all others present.


Sliding Scale Fee: $50 - $150/hr for in-session time

The invoice after the session will provide guidance on how to select your rate (you decide what you can pay!) and how to pay; prior to receiving the invoice, we'll decide together how costs will be divided among the participants and I will bill you each individually. Factors to consider are: your income/financial security, how many people are in the session.


Fee covers my planning time, time after the session looking for resources or following-up, as well as our time together in the session. 


Please let me know if you have concerns about costs, I'm willing to negotiate or barter.

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